Regardless of its expression: work, people, things, (rather than on a cultural and religious level) modern knowledge travels following different patterns. In fact, we believe that exploring all the possible directions in which modernity moves allows us to give value to tradition and encourage its own innovation. It is right here that the European dimension becomes fundamental to focus on the territory and, at the same time, open up the latter to the international scene.
In order to do this, the Centre is mainly committed to develop innovative European projects capable of acting from a wider perspective. By combining the European avant-garde with a territorial dimension — made of ancient traditions passed on from generation to generation — shaping a network in which different actors move freely with the common goal of creating a single road network for the ‘Moving’ of / across modernity.
The Centre studies mobility by analysing its relationship with life-styles and territories, intending the subject matter in its wider acceptance: individual-collective, cultural-religious, artistic-scientific. It is about thinking of the transformations required in order to take action on our life-styles by proposing valid moving transitions, both from the quality and quantity point of view. The Centre promotes an approach based on the sharing of experience, alongside exploring mobility through debate and broader perspectives.
To travel the distance: travelling as an active experience to discover oneself and the others
Home – Family – Tourism – Religion – Food – Health – Transports
How has the way we work, move and live changed? How are the relationships between speed and slowness, change and stillness, close and far organised? From people’s perspective, how is movement experienced, either physical or virtual? How do we take control of time while travelling? What are the emotions and the implications? How do we fantasise about travelling? What are the competences used by people to control their movements and the areas in which they live and work? How do they gain such competences? What are the alternatives in terms of mobility in a petrol-free world? Does the mobility of some means the immobility of others?
Here, There, Elsewhere.
An idea of Position, Localization and Mobility
Work – Politics – Economy – Art – Design – Architecture – Digital – Military
How are people’s lives between physical and virtual journeys organised? What is the search for a more or less social mobility and stability about? What forms of potential mobility should be encouraged? What shouldn’t? With what means? Is it possible to imagine a pass-par-tout passport on a world scale? Is design able to make these fantasies true? How can we rethink the transports communication in terms of urban planning? How can we create important public spaces to stay connected with the others? How do art and culture move? How and at what speed do information travel?